Car vs Semi Truck Accidents Lead to Tragic Outcomes in North Dakota

It is sad but often true that in a car vs semi truck accident, the car just doesn’t stand much of a chance. These big rigs are just that, big, and can do a whole lot of damage with very little effort. Sadly, auto accidents with these tractor trailers are a pretty common occurrence and the damages that follow are often catastrophic. A recent accident in North Dakota between a smaller passenger car and a semi resulted in the death of an elderly woman.

This particular accident occurred on a local highway near Towner. The vehicle of an 83 year old woman was apparently rear ended by a semi, causing an explosion. The woman was unable to get out of her vehicle and, according to police records, died at the scene of the collision.

The semi driver, a 54 year old male, was able to escape from the cab of his truck and was uninjured in the crash. Local law enforcement are continuing their investigation into the cause of this incident and have yet to report any contributing factors leading to the collision. It is currently unknown if any charges are pending against the truck driver in this case.

Losing a loved one, no matter the person’s age or circumstances surrounding the death, is difficult. Auto accidents such as this one will not only leave the victim’s family grieving their sudden loss, but they may also find themselves financially burdened by the costs encountered due to the crash — such as the unplanned funeral expenses. In this case, the victim’s family retains the right to file a wrongful death claim against the semi driver and possibly his employer. If either is found liable for this incident, a court in North Dakota may find in favor of the victim’s family, granting them a monetary judgment to help them recoup the financial losses they have endured due to the crash.

Source:, “Elderly woman killed in crash explosion near Towner”, Lauren Donovan, June 18, 2014.