Crane Accident Results in Death of North Dakota Oil Worker
Crane Accident Results in Death of North Dakota Oil Worker The incident shows why extra care is needed at oil wells and why regulations must be enforced The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that, recently, a North Dakota man was killed when a crane struck a worker at an oil well site in Mountrail…
Read MoreWhy You Should Get a Truck Accident Attorney
Why You Need a North Dakota Truck Accident Attorney Minot truck accident lawyer explains the legal issues at stake More than half a million accidents take place each year that involve huge trucks, such as the tractor trailers and big rigs that are responsible for transporting so much of the food and other products that…
Read MoreWhat Do Pain & Suffering Damages Include in ND?
It is important to work with a Minot car accident lawyer to prove intangible damages such as pain and suffering After a car accident, you will have tangible losses, such as the value of your now-totaled car or the bill you had to pay for your hospital stay. Your Minot car accident lawyer will be…
Read MoreLegal Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident
Working with a Minot car accident lawyer helps you navigate the process while protecting your legal rights Most of us feel the impulse to say “I’m sorry” after we’ve been in an accident. Even if the other person ran a red light and hit the side of the car, we might feel the impulse to…
Read MoreLegal Options for Injured Vehicle Passengers
Experienced Minot car accident lawyers explain your rights The majority of the advice you will read online about legal options after an accident will be directed at the driver. But what about when you are the passenger and are injured in an accident? In some cases, the driver may not even be injured, but the…
Read MoreSturgis Rally Increases Awareness About Motorcycle Accidents
Minot motorcycle accident attorney explains the risks and your legal options Every year, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally roars through the South Dakota Black Hills. While it is a celebration of motorcycles and open riding, it is also a reminder about the dangers that motorcyclists face every day when they ride. This year, the Cody Police…
Read MoreSugar Beet Truck Accidents a Concern in North Dakota
Sugar Beet Truck Accidents a Concern in North Dakota Any kind of commercial or farm vehicle could be involved in a deadly accident, but the number of agricultural drivers across North Dakota makes this concern more important than in other states across the U.S.. Recently, North Dakota regulations for agricultural drivers are coming under fire.…
Read MoreNorth Dakota Teen Drivers Some of the Worst in the U.S.
It goes without saying that teenage drivers are at greater risk of being involved in an accident than other age groups. One of the major reasons for this is lack of experience, combined with over-confidence behind the wheel. Since teenagers do not have as much experience in reacting to driving scenarios, they are at their…
Read MoreTips for Preventing Farm Accidents
With the busy farming season underway, it is important to be vigilant in preventing farm accidents. The National Farmer’s Union helps raise awareness about some of the key issues associated with farm safety and has issued a best practices guide. Acknowledging the risk of potential farming accidents and putting in place a plan to prevent…
Read MoreOil Field Accidents Most Common in North Dakota
Oil Field Accidents Most Common in North Dakota It’s no surprise to most people living in North Dakota that the oil rush is one of the biggest industries in the state. Production in the oil industry has increased 12 fold since the year 2000. Unfortunately, however, this growth spurt has come at a price, making…
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