Is the Oil Boom to Blame for North Dakota Fatal Car Accidents Rising
According to local law enforcement, North Dakota fatal car accidents are rising in the Northwestern region of North Dakota. Part of the blame is being placed on the oil boom, creating more traffic in the area. Other causes of these fatal car accidents remain the same and include drinking, distracted drivers, and speeding. Between 2008…
Read MoreBakken Oil Field Deaths | Tanker Exploded Killing Three Men
The tragic loss of a loved one in an auto accident often leaves surviving family members asking questions and needing answers as to how and why the accident occurred. Fatal car accidents simply are life changing events, which can be very difficult to move forward from. A tragic accident resulting in more Bakken Oil Field…
Read MoreDistracted Driving: Texting & Driving Accidents on the Rise
Distracted driving is a hot topic in North Dakota and nationwide. Police all across the country are trying to find ways to cut down the number of car accidents caused due to these distractions. One of the biggest distractions being discussed is the issue of texting while driving. People distracted by cellphones, particularly those who…
Read MoreBakken Oil Field Explosion Leaves Man Seriously Burned
It is well known that some professions in North Dakota carry a higher amount of risk than others. While workers in these professions tend to know and understand the risks or their work before getting started, safety precautions provided by employers are still expected. Unfortunately, despite safety training and equipment, accidents happen and the work…
Read MoreNorth Dakota’s Winter Driving Statistics
Local authorities and the North Dakota Department of Transportation like to review the numbers and causes of fatal accidents that take place across the state pretty often. Their purpose in doing so is to help prevent future accidents and determine what they can be doing better overall. Car accidents happen all year long but the…
Read MoreMinot Increases First Responders Training as Car Accidents Rise
First responders are often a dream come true for individuals involved in an accident. Those who have been in serious car accidents, the kind that require rescuers to use the jaws of life to free them from the wreckage, are generally grateful for the knowledge and capability these first responders have. With traffic and associated…
Read MoreSubrogation Rights Explained for the Insurer
Many people are surprised to learn that they have to repay their health insurance or others such as Medicare, Medicaid or Workforce Safety when they recover money from somebody who injured them. Unfortunately, these are in place and known as subrogation rights of the insurer. Under laws passed back in the early 70s, health plans have…
Read MoreDistracted Driving Among Top Reasons for Car Accident Injury & Death
Sadly, far too many people are injured and too many lives seem to be claimed on North Dakota roads. There are several reasons these car accidents keep happening, including distracted driving, drowsy driving, speeding, negligence or even weather related factors. Whatever the cause, these accidents can be devastating to those involved. Recently, a two vehicle…
Read MoreSemi Hits Good Samaritan in North Dakota Winter Storm
The North Dakota winter storm season seem to cause car accidents in the area to rise. While there is nothing people can do about weather conditions, they can control what they do when behind the wheel. Unfortunately, weather related or not, auto accidents happen and these accidents often result in serious injuries or even fatalities for the…
Read MoreSafe Driving in North Dakota Pays Off: Less Fatal Accidents
At the beginning of the New Year, local law enforcement agencies like to look at how things like the number of car accidents compare from one year to the next. There is some good news for residents of North Dakota in the fact that the number of fatal car accidents decreased in 2013 compared to…
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