Distracted Driving: Texting & Driving Accidents on the Rise

Distracted driving is a hot topic in North Dakota and nationwide. Police all across the country are trying to find ways to cut down the number of car accidents caused due to these distractions. One of the biggest distractions being discussed is the issue of texting while driving.

People distracted by cellphones, particularly those who are texting, simply aren’t focused on the road. Unfortunately, proving a driver was texting isn’t an easy task. However, because of the increasing amount of accidents that result in injuries or fatalities due to drivers texting, cracking down on this behavior has become one of the top priorities for law enforcement personnel in North Dakota.

Accidents can happen in seconds and obviously, a lack of focus on the road can have tragic results. Police believe that if they catch offenders using their phones, it will deter future use decrease the number of accidents. There is currently a statewide ban on texting, so police departments across the state will be doing their part to enforce it.

North Dakota residents who have been injured or lost a loved one in one of these types of car accidents can understand the pain, despair and financial hardship they can bring. Personal injury claims and/or wrongful death claims may be filed to seek financial relief for any monetary losses and provide for any pain and suffering endured. If a court finds a party financially liable for an accident, restitution could be granted in the form of a monetary judgment. Thankfully, police will continue doing all they can in the fight against distracted drivers — it is up to everyone else to do their part until zero fatalities due to this behavior is a reality.

Source: bismarcktribune.com, “Crackdown on texting while driving necessary“, April 8, 2014.