Did You Know You Can Request a “Brain Injury” Card?

Traumatic brain injury. Those words can be terrifying – and with good reason. A traumatic brain injury, also referred to as a TBI, can drastically alter a person’s life, changing them physically, mentally, and emotionally, while also affecting their finances and overall quality of life forever. The lives of their loved ones may be changed…

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The Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a severe form of brain trauma that can result from a sudden blow to the head or jolt to the body that causes the brain to rapidly move back and forth in the skull. A TBI can have a variety of both immediate and long-term effects, depending on…

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Nerve Damage Is a Complex and Catastrophic Injury

A quick Google search of the words “nerve damage” brings a slew of links to “peripheral nerve injury” (and other similar terms). An injury to these nerves is typically associated with numbness or tingling, or even chronic pain. Aunt Joan’s sciatica? That’s a peripheral nerve injury, usually caused by a herniated disk. Your carpal tunnel?…

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What Are the Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injury?

Car and truck accidents can lead to a variety of serious injuries. One of these is a traumatic brain injury, also called a TBI for short. Brain injuries can cause many concerning side effects, including cognitive difficulties, physical pain, and problems regulating emotions. The more severe the accident, the more severe the TBI, and the…

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What Are the Long-Term Needs of Brain Injury Patients?

Traumatic brain injuries are among some of the most catastrophic injuries a person can sustain in an accident. Trauma to the head and brain can cause an entire host of cognitive and physical difficulties, many that will last for the rest of the victim’s life. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, you or…

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Traumatic Brain Injuries in Adults and Children

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can change your life or the life of someone you love in an instant. TBIs can occur in just about any situation, but most often happen in accidents (motor vehicle, boating, construction, work) or as a result of contact to the head in a sporting event. TBIs can also occur…

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Studies into Sleep Disorders and the Long-Effects of Mild Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries are among the most serious types of injury a person can suffer. Any forceful impact to the head can cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Common causes of traumatic brain injuries include car accidents, slips and falls, construction accidents, and oilfield accidents. While many people suffer moderate TBIs, there are many accident…

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