Prevent Summertime Burns and Stay Safe with These Tips

Prevent Summertime Burns and Stay Safe with These TipsSummer is quickly approaching and with everyone in quarantine during the summer last year, we expect a lot of people will be participating in group activities this year. While we, too, cannot wait for summer BBQs and pool parties, we know being cooped up can lead to overexcitement, especially for kids. This excitement can lead to safety precautions not being followed, which acts as a domino effect of leading to people getting injured.

We want you to have a safe and fun summer this year. To ensure that burn injuries don’t ruin your plans, here are some things to know to help keep you safe.

A quick note about North Dakota’s current drought conditions

Once again, North Dakota is experiencing significant drought conditions. This is the driest year in 127 years for Burleigh County, and the 3rd driest for Ward County. The U.S. Drought Monitor shows McHenry, McLean, and Mercer Counties entirely within the worst drought conditions (Exceptional Drought); Ward, Bottineau, Rolette, Mountrail, Dunn, Oliver, Burleigh, Sheridan and Pierce all straddle the line between Exceptional Drought and Extreme Drought.

Drought like this increases the risk of wildfires and grassfires exponentially, so it is critical that you take care with any planned fires. One spark could lead to severe damage.

Firework safety

Fireworks are synonymous with summer. Although fireworks are beautiful, they are also dangerous and should be handled with care. You may think that a small sparkler can do little harm but that is not the case. Sparklers, which are typically entrusted with children, can reach temperatures of 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter. Those sparks can easily burn skin, hair, or clothing.

To promote firework safety, you should have a large bucket of water or sand on hand to dispose of the fireworks. Keep children away from fireworks of all kinds. If you have permission to set off fireworks, keep them away from trees and your home, and make sure they are set off in a place that is devoid of grass or other flammable materials.

Never attempt to relight a firework that didn’t go off.

Campfire safety

Camping is a way to make memories and get away from the everyday hustle and bustle. New campers are often not aware of safety precautions that need to be adhered to while building and extinguishing campfires, especially when you’re in a site that doesn’t provide a fire pit.

Make sure to build your fire 15 feet away from your tent and anything that can be considered flammable and clear the area of all dry grass and leaves. Avoid building fires in high winds, since this can spread embers. Dig out an area for your fire, and ring it with rocks (or your own metal ring) to help keep it contained.

Start with a small fire and build it up to the desired level. You should also keep sand and/or water nearby should the fire get too large. Do not use any accelerant on the fire and be sure to keep the fire contained while it is lit. Keeping children safe is of the utmost importance, so keep them supervised and at least three feet away from the campfire.

When it is time to put out the fire, continue to put sand or water on it until it has completely cooled down, stirring the embers to make sure they’re fully out. The flames are not the only hazard; the embers left behind can also cause burns and start fires. Never leave a fire unattended, and never leave a campsite without extinguishing your fire.

Barbeque safety

Grilling is popular during the summer, especially when you have guests visiting your home. It can be easy to pull out the barbeque and begin grilling those hot dogs and hamburgers without giving a second thought to safety and precautions. You must always place the grill at a minimum of ten feet away from your home or other structures. Never allow children or pets within three feet of the grill. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby should an incident occur. Keep in mind that the grill can stay hot for an hour after it has been turned off, so it is best to keep others away for some time.

What happens if I get burned?

Burn injuries can occur even when precautions are taken. If you or someone you know does get injured, follow the 4 Cs: cool, clean, cover, and call. First, cool the burn area with cool water. This means the water should not be cold or hot but somewhere in the middle. Next, you will need to clean the area with soap so it does not become infected. You should then cover the burn with gauze or some type of clean, light cloth. Lastly, seek medical attention immediately. Even a first-degree burn should be checked by a doctor to ensure there’s no chance of infection setting in, especially if the victim was outside when it happened.

If the burn is severe, as in it is covering the face and/or large parts of the body, or is showing clear signs of blistering, make the call to 9-1-1 first. Severe burns can be life-threatening injuries; you don’t want to delay getting help. Because North Dakota doesn’t have its own burn injury center, victims will need to be driven or airlifted to into South Dakota, Minnesota, or Colorado. The sooner you make the call, the faster help can be on its way.

A burn injury can happen at any moment and can be caused by no fault of your own. You may be entitled to compensation if you were the victim of a burn injury accident caused by someone else’s negligence. The experienced Minot burn injury attorneys at Larson Law Firm P.C., can help you recover compensation for your injuries. Call our offices in Minot or Bismarck at 701-484-HURT or fill out our contact form today.