Semi Trucks vs. Cars – Who is at fault?

According to the NHTSA, there were 333,000 traffic accidents involving semi trucks in one recent year alone. In that same year, 3,921 people were killed and 104,000 more were injured in crashes involving large trucks. Of the fatalities resulting from truck accidents, 73 percent were occupants of other vehicles.

Semi-truck drivers in North Dakota regularly travel to the Bakken Oil fields. Truck drivers generally utilize Highway 23, Highway 85 and Highway 2 when traveling to and from the oil fields, creating a higher incidence of truck accidents on those highways. Our firm has assisted many families in North Dakota with loved ones who were injured by the negligent actions of a truck driver. Truck driver negligence is a serious problem on our North Dakota roads and highways, and drivers must be held accountable when they violate regulations and put others’ lives at risk.

Rear End Accidents Involving Semi Trucks

Semi-trucks can weigh from 16,000 to 80,000 pounds. Due to their size and weight, semi-trucks are far more likely to be involved in an accident that leaves innocent people with serious or fatal injuries. When a semi-truck turns on a highway, it can create a dangerous problem for other drivers. When a semi is turning off of the roadway or turning onto the road, it can essentially block an entire lane of traffic. This can result in a deadly rear-end accident when oncoming traffic has no place else to go. Many people believe that when a rear-end accident occurs it is solely the fault of the striking vehicle; however, this is not always the case.

Semi-truck drivers have a duty to make a turn safely. Blocking traffic on a 70 mph highway creates a deadly risk for others. The driver must use flashers and ensure that precautions are employed to warn other drivers, or the semi-truck driver and trucking firm may be held liable for accidents and injuries caused by blocking a fast moving lane of traffic, and for any rear-end or other accident that takes place due to negligent driving conduct.

All semi-truck drivers and passenger drivers are charged with a duty of care to protect other motorists. This means that they must comply with all applicable traffic laws, keep a proper lookout for all other vehicles, and use reasonable efforts to avoid an accident. The duty of care for semi-truck drivers also involves adhering to state and federal regulations. Due to the fact that semi trucks can cause a devastating level of damage when not properly operated, the court strictly enforces state and federal regulations on truck drivers and, when violated, the courts will often take it as automatic evidence of negligence.

As with any accident case, the sooner the evidence is collected, preserved and examined by an experienced attorney, the better. Weather and other factors can erode evidence so it is important to act soon. Speak with a North Dakota Truck Accident Attorney on an immediate basis if you or a loved one has been involved in a rear-end accident with a truck.
