Posts by Larson Law
Oil Field Deaths Prompt Inquiry Into Causes
Oil field workers in North Dakota are prepared to meet the physical challenges and daily demands of the job. But when oil and gas extraction companies disregard workplace safety, even seasoned oil field workers are at risk of serious and fatal injuries on the job. A string of oil field deaths in North Dakota is…
Read MoreOilfield Facebook Page Uses Satire to Underscore Tragic Consequences Of Fracking
Facebook Page Uses Dark Humor To Underscore Tragedy of Bakken Oilfield Accidents Sometimes, you have to laugh just to keep from crying. At least, that seems to be the sentiment behind a new Facebook page, Bakken Oil Field Fail of the Day, that has cropped up to lambast the Bakken Oilfields of western North Dakota.…
Read MoreWhat is Distracted Driving? North Dakota Laws and Statistics
Distracted driving is not unusual. Some people just lose focus when they get behind the wheel. Here is an interesting fact from The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety: 88% of drivers 16 years old and older report that they feel threatened by others who talk on cell phones, and 96.1% feel threatened by drivers who…
Read MoreDeath on the Oil Derricks
According to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), more than 38 workers have lost their lives in oil-field accidents during the period between October 2014 and February 2015, eight of whom were working on North Dakota oil fields at the time. This statistic is alarming, particularly considering that it does not include car accidents, which are…
Read MoreIs It Worth Your Life? The Danger of Texting and Driving
We are obsessed with our phones, and many of us check them up to hundreds of times a day. Forgetting your phone is a disaster that can leave you feeling disconnected and out of touch. Our constant access to the thoughts and comments of our friends, shared posts and photos on social media sites such…
Read MoreWhat Happens When Truckers Drive Distracted: How North Dakota is Handling the Increase of Oil Field Truck Accidents
The oil boom in North Dakota is great for the economy, but is leading to terrible problems for locals in the Bakken Shale area. One issue of great concern is the shocking increase in fatal and serious accidents involving trucks in the area. With 12,000 trucks moving through the communities of Watford City, Williston, Dickinson…
Read MoreSemi Trucks vs. Cars – Who is at fault?
According to the NHTSA, there were 333,000 traffic accidents involving semi trucks in one recent year alone. In that same year, 3,921 people were killed and 104,000 more were injured in crashes involving large trucks. Of the fatalities resulting from truck accidents, 73 percent were occupants of other vehicles. Semi-truck drivers in North Dakota regularly…
Read MoreKeep Teens Safe: National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
A single text message sent behind the wheel can mean sudden death. National Distracted Driving Awareness Month was established to focus attention on the perils of distracted driving. Statistics reveal that younger drivers are far more inclined to text while driving. Young drivers also lack experience, adding to the problem. The lack of experience can…
Read MoreCan You Sue for a Bar Fight?
Increased Bar Fights Puts North Dakota Police on High Alert One aspect of the North Dakota oil boom that has not escaped the notice of local law enforcement is the influx of workers who, at the end of the work week, have lots of money and time to kill. U.S. Attorney Tim Purdon has been…
Read MoreAs Crude Oil Prices Drop, Bakken Death Count Rises for Oil Field Workers
Spike in Oil Field Deaths Come as Crude Oil Prices Fall On March 12, 2015 the Wall Street Journal reported that the impact on oil worker safety is on the rise as crude oil prices plummet. In their article, Oil Deaths Rise as Bakken Boom Fades, the alarming number of deaths in North Dakota causes…
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