What Are the Dangers of Electric Vehicles?
Electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming more and more popular – especially as gas prices become higher and higher. Electric vehicles (EVs), previously reserved for those with the big bucks, have been dropping in price as the technology gets cheaper and easier to reproduce, and consumers are definitely interested. Proponents of EVs point to advantages…
Read MoreNursing Home Reform Is Finally a Matter of Federal Concern
One of the reasons, if not the main reason, we choose to place our loved ones in a nursing home is to provide them the important care that we cannot give them ourselves. Nursing homes offer senior citizens the round-the-clock attention and healthcare they need when they are no longer able to take care of…
Read MoreWhat Are the Most Dangerous Roads in North Dakota?
Every state has dangerous roads, highways, and intersections where motor vehicle accidents occur more frequently than on other stretches of roadway. North Dakota is no exception. With months of wintry weather causing poor road conditions, a high volume of trucks thanks in part to the oil industry, and a 75 mile per hour speed limit…
Read MoreWhy Neck Injuries Are Serious Injuries
People often jokingly refer to inconveniences or things that are somewhat irritating as being a “pain in the neck.” In truth, however, an actual “pain in the neck” can be quite serious and is no joking matter. Even a seemingly minor neck injury can cause severe pain, interfere with your everyday activities, and require costly…
Read MoreWhat’s the Real Reason for Our Truck Driver Shortage?
On a recent episode of his HBO show, “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” the host did a segment on the trucking industry and truck drivers. He talked about how reality shows about trucking have exploded in popularity over the last several years, making truck driving look like a dangerous but exciting career. However, all…
Read MoreThe Dangerous Work of Oilfield Roughnecks and Roustabouts
The thriving oil and gas industry in North Dakota offers a variety of employment opportunities for men and women throughout the state. With one of the largest oil reserves in the country, our oil workers provide a valuable service, but not without great risk of injury. These workers deserve the highest safety standards on the…
Read MoreWhat Is an Attractive Nuisance?
Being a homeowner allows you to do almost anything with your property that you desire (within reason, of course). If you want to have a back patio, swing set, a pet dog, a pool, or a trampoline – that is all within your right. However, as a home and property owner, you also have certain…
Read MoreWhat Are the Long-Term Needs of Brain Injury Patients?
Traumatic brain injuries are among some of the most catastrophic injuries a person can sustain in an accident. Trauma to the head and brain can cause an entire host of cognitive and physical difficulties, many that will last for the rest of the victim’s life. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, you or…
Read MoreThe Dangers of Truck Underride Accidents
North Dakota is home to a lot of commercial trucks, especially because of our thriving mining, quarry, and oil/gas extraction industries. With all of these construction, semi, and tanker trucks on the highways, accidents are bound to occur, and, occupants of passenger vehicles almost always take the brunt of the damage in these accidents due…
Read MoreThe Devastation of Wrong-Way Accidents
One of the most terrifying experiences you can have on the road is seeing headlights coming directly at you on a one-way road. Whether a wrong-way driver is lost, distracted, or driving under the influence, they can cause tragic and fatal head-on collisions – according to a study by AAA, hundreds each year. Learn more…
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