Why Do Dogs Bite?

Why Do Dogs Bite?Most dog owners think of their pets as family – fluffy, lovable little creatures who wouldn’t hurt a fly. There are times, though, when our four-legged companions may act aggressively. That aggression can cause serious injuries.

So why does it happen? It is not as simple as “dogs bite because they are animals.” There are quite a few reasons why dogs bite.

Defense of themselves or their territory

The most common reason why a dog bites is in defense of itself or its territory. A mother dog will do anything in her power to protect her puppies. Dogs are also highly loyal. If they see their owner under attack or distress, they might pounce, biting whoever is causing their owner pain or harm.

When a dog becomes startled

As mentioned earlier, all dogs have a tendency to bite. Your dog might never show it during its lifetime. However, a dog could bite if it becomes startled. If a dog is awakened by a loud noise, injured, or startled by a child, it could react by biting the person closest to it as a method of protecting itself.

Running away from a dog

Running away from a dog, either while being chased from a property or when a child is playing with the dog, can lead to a dog bite. Biting or nipping can seem like fun at the start for the child and the dog, but it can quickly turn into an aggressive attack.

Dogs in fearful situations

If a dog is living in a fearful situation, such as being left outside for prolonged periods or has been trained as a fighting dog, it could wind up attacking anyone who approaches it. This includes someone who is coming to rescue the dog or care for it. The person could also be the dog’s owner. A dog is unable to differentiate between who is there to help it and who is there to hurt it when it is living in fear.

Illness and injury

Sadly, if a dog is suffering from a painful illness or injury, it is more likely to bite when it becomes scared, hurt, frustrated, or approached. A sick or injured dog might not want anyone coming near it, which makes it difficult to provide them care if they look like they are going to bite you. Touching a dog in an injured area could cause it to nip at you or anyone else close to it.

How to avoid a dog bite

You can do everything possible to avoid a dog bite and it can still happen. Do your best to avoid approaching unfamiliar dogs. If you wish to pet a neighbor’s dog, be sure to ask for their permission. Never approach a dog from behind, never pull its tail, and never antagonize it by withholding food or taunting it.

Have you been bitten by a dog? If so, do not give up your right to compensation, not even if the dog in question was injured when it bit you. That’s why you should speak with an experienced dog bite attorney from the team at Larson Law Firm, P.C.. Call our office in Minot or Bismarck today at 701-484-HURT or complete a contact form online to schedule a consultation.