The Most Common Causes of Burn Injuries in the Home

The American Burn Association has published statistics that indicate some 486,000 people in the U.S. obtained emergency medical help for burn injuries between 2011 and 2015. A large majority of burns treated in burn injury centers – 73% – occur at home, with 8% occurring on-the-job. People of all ages fall victim to burn injuries…

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Lack of Seat Belt Use Is a Serious Problem in North Dakota

Seat belt usage is a serious problem in North Dakota, so much so that lawmakers in the state Senate attempted to change the law earlier this year. The proposed change, allowing police officers to initiate a traffic stop when they spotted drivers not wearing seat belts, was approved by the Senate by a vote of…

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Truck Destroys Historic North Dakota Bridge

In what could have been a horrific tragedy, an overweight tractor trailer destroyed an historic bridge near Northwood towards the end of July. The wood and iron bridge, which spanned the Goose River, collapsed into the water, leaving the truck hanging over the water. The driver escaped with no injuries, but this could have been…

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Still No Known Cause of Oilfield Wastewater Spills in North Dakota

Two pipeline spills that occurred in the middle of July 2019 are still under investigation by the North Dakota State Health Department. The spills leaked oilfield wastewater into a Missouri River tributary and pastureland. Cleanup was still occurring at the two different sites of the leaks, where produced water wound up leaking from the pipes.…

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Help for Injured Family Motor Coach Association Members Visiting Minot for the Annual Convention and Expo

The Family Motor Coach Association’s (FMCA) 100th International Convention & RV Expo will be held from August 14th through August 17th this year. The “Minot Magic” convention is expected to draw thousands of members and non-members alike. This year’s convention will be held at the North Dakota State Fairgrounds to accommodate all of the vendors…

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How Do Contingency and Lawyers’ Fees Work?

After you have been injured in a car accident, you’re going to have a lot of bills: medical expenses, property damage costs, and all of your regular day-to-day bills. These can seem insurmountable, and if you are out of work for a while, it can start to feel like you’re playing catch-up in a game…

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Keeping Workers Safe from the Heat in the Patch

Workers in oilfields are at risk of heat exposure from the sun and from the equipment they use. In the summer, the risks naturally increase. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) warns employers about the hazards of working in outdoor and indoor environments where the heat could pose a problem. Oil and gas industry…

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