Minot personal injury lawyer

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Minot Personal Injury Lawyer

Honest legal representation for the residents of Minot, Bismarck, Fargo, and throughout North Dakota

No one wakes up in the morning with expectations of being injured. This is because we rightfully presume that the individuals around us will act with reasonable care. When individuals and entities act in a reckless or negligent manner, they put innocent people at risk of serious harm. From vehicle accidents to defective products, victims of personal injury are left to deal with life-changing medical conditions caused by the negligence of others.

At Larson Law Injury & Accident Lawyers, our lawyers have been helping victims of personal injury since 1976. We know that these incidents can destroy a person emotionally, while also devastating their finances. We use our resources to carefully investigate the injury-causing accident and our skills to aggressively advocate for adequate compensation. Trust our experienced North Dakota personal injury lawyers to provide you with high-quality legal representation for your personal injury claim.

Reliable representation for a variety of personal injury claims

Negligence and recklessness can result in a variety of injuries and personal injury claims. At Larson Law, our reputable attorneys have successfully handled claims involving a variety of personal injuries, including:

  • Catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries, such as amputations and traumatic brain injuries, usually involve difficult recoveries, multiple surgeries and long-term rehabilitation. Victims experience a decreased quality of life, possibly facing the inability to perform even the most basic tasks.
  • Burn injuries. Burn injuries can lead to permanent, life-altering complications. Along with the disfigurement and scarring, serious burns can lead to difficulties with body temperature regulation, and may make a person more prone to infections.
  • Back injuries. Injuries to the back can result from numerous types of incidents, including vehicle accidents, falls and medical errors. While these types of injuries often result in chronic and debilitating pain, the most severe incidents often involve damage to the spinal cord and potential paralysis.
  • Injuries to the neck and shoulder injuries. Injuries to the neck or shoulders can cause severe, long-lasting pain. A rotator cuff injury may lead to permanent disability and require surgery to repair it. Injuries to the neck can result in spinal cord complications and, in some cases, paralysis.
  • Soft tissue and whiplash injuries. While soft tissue and whiplash injuries can be difficult to diagnose, they cause extensive pain and suffering to the victims. These injuries should be taken seriously, and securing compensation requires assistance from a skilled North Dakota personal injury lawyer.
  • Broken and fractured bones. Broken and fractured bones can have lasting effects. Surrounding ligaments and tissue may be injured as well, possibly leading to nerve damage and severe pain. A victim may not be able to work, leading to a significant decrease in income.
  • Children’s injuries. When children are injured by negligence, families often feel helpless to assist them. This is particularly true when financial limitations inhibit the availability of adequate medical care and long-term treatment for injured children.
  • Drowning. From boating and swimming pool accidents to recreational incidents, drownings occur at an alarming rate. Drowning victims may be left with brain injuries or seizures. These accidents may also result in fatalities.

We also represent clients in cases involving car accidents and truck accidents, as well as families making claims for wrongful death. The repercussions of a personal injury can be devastating, leaving victims and their families to figure out how to meet the financial demands of extensive medical treatment. Our knowledgeable North Dakota personal injury lawyers understand the challenges of a personal injury. That is why we diligently work to hold those at-fault financially accountable.

Free Case Evaluation

Call 701-484-4878 now or fill out the form above to receive a free confidential consultation.

How do I know if I have a personal injury claim?

In some cases, a personal injury claim isn’t too complicated. Another person clearly caused your accident and injuries and owes you compensation. In other cases, things aren’t so straightforward. The key to a strong personal injury case is liability.

Liability means you must prove that the other party caused the accident or took actions that caused your injuries. Our personal injury attorneys can consult with you about your accident to determine if you have a sound case.

How much is my North Dakota personal injury case worth?

There is no set answer or calculation for damages awarded in a personal injury claim. Compensation often depends on the type of claim and the severity of your injuries. In cases of catastrophic injury or wrongful death, you would likely be entitled to a higher amount of damages for your losses. An experienced attorney also understands every effect the injury has had upon your life, and works to ensure you receive maximum financial compensation.

Minot Personal Injury Attorneys

What if I was injured on the job?

If you were injured or in an accident during the scope of your work duties, you may have several avenues for compensation. In the majority of situations, you’ll be eligible for workers’ compensation through your employer, which should cover your lost wages and medical bills.

However, if a third party caused your work accident – like a manufacturer of a defective machine part or reckless behavior by an independent contractor – you may also be eligible to file a personal injury action against that third party. It’s important to speak to a qualified attorney after any type of accident in order to explore all the options available to you.

Do you have a personal injury attorney near me?

Larson Law Injury & Accident Lawyers handles complex personal injury cases for clients throughout North Dakota. Our Minot office is located at 1020 North Broadway, Minot, ND 58703. You can call us anytime at 701-353-2169. If you are too injured to come to our offices, we can make arrangements for a phone or video consultation.